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Careers Entitlement Statement

As a school we have a statutory and moral duty to provide students in Years 8 to 11 with careers education, information, advice and guidance. This is extended at Holy Family Catholic High School to include Year 7.

Guidance takes place within your normal subject lessons, during Personal Development lessons, during ‘drop down’ sessions and with one to one consultations with our independent careers adviser.

As a pupil at Holy Family you are entitled to a minimum of two consultations, with an independent careers adviser, during your five years at Holy Family. Your form tutor will let you know your appointment time for your consultation.  If you would like an additional appointment with the careers adviser please speak to Mr Wadsworth.

You are entitled to;

  • clear advice and information about the options available, so that you understand what they involve. This includes KS4 and post-16 options
  • support and guidance to help you make choices and complete a career plan for the future
  • regular personal support and information on how well you are doing
  • help to decide what to do when you leave Holy Family, including further learning, training and employment
  • a programme of careers education helping you to develop the skills and knowledge to make choices and be successful in your transition to work and further learning
  • the opportunity to be involved in making decisions about things that effect you learning
  • opportunities to gain first hand experiences of local and regional post-16 providers
  • an opportunity to learn about the world of work

Useful websites

Below are some website that you may find useful when looking for help with your careers planning:

National Careers Service Website

Apprenticeships Website

UCAS Careers Ideas

Prospects Careers Advise

Statutory guidance

Information for parents

Information for employers

Labour Market Information for Yorkshire

Careers Programme Statement

Post-16 Destination Data

Careers Entitlement Statement