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British Values


At Holy Family Catholic school , we are committed to working in a way which reflects British Values and a strong moral code. These are reflected both in our Mission Statement and our ethos and promoted through the curriculum and various other 


We aim to work in a democratic way and encourage students to support the democratic process both in school and in the wider society. This is done in the following ways: 

  • Through the work of the year councils and the school council 
  • Through the curriculum for example in history lessons highlighting the development of democratic ideas and studying the work of people working for democracy; IN PHSE and RE and the Tutorial programme where students explore what democracy means 
  • By enabling students to vote for Head Boy/ Head Girl/ 
  • Ensuring all pupils are listened to by adults for example the appeals system in BfL; work of the Star Centre and Catholic Care


The Rule of Law 

  • Students are helped to understand that people hold different views about what is right and wrong but that everyone living in the UK is subject to the rule of law. This is done in the following ways : 
  • Having a clear behaviour policy that is explained to all (BfL) 
  • Highlighting the rules of the Church and God in the RE curriculum, for example the 10 commandments and the Precepts of the Church 
  • Teaching about the development of the Rule of Law in English Law, a legal system created uniquely in a Catholic England, inspired by Christian values and becoming a major influence across the world through PHSE/RE lessons 

    Individual Liberty 

    Students are helped to understand that each individual has a right to freedom of expression as a citizen of the UK. This is done in the following ways : 

  • Students are encouraged to be independent in their learning and to reflect on taking responsibility for their learning for example through AfL activities/stickers 
  • We provide students with opportunities for reflection as they take responsibility to discerning their vocation for example in careers education and also in Vocations talks in year 9/10 

    Mutual respect 

    We encourage all students to acquire and understanding and appreciation and respect for their own and other cultures. This is done on the following ways : 

  • Our mission statement is inclusive 
  • By promoting respect for others through the BfL system 
  • Reinforcing the value of everyone’s opinions in class debates 
  • Having an effective anti-bullying policy 
  • By emphasising in RE and PSCHE lessons that every person is unique and “created in the image of God” 
  • By having active educational links with other schools 
  • By supporting charitable works for example CAFOD, Good Shepherd, Forget Me Not Trust 

    Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs 

    Students are expected to be tolerant towards people of different faiths and beliefs and cultures 

  • In Religious Education students are provided with a deep understanding of their own faith as well as awareness of the faith and traditions of other religious communities as a basis for understanding and respecting them 
  • Students are shown how Jesus encouraged tolerance in stories such as The Good Samaritan and The Women at the Well